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British Motor Museum

8.8 / 10

open now, until 17:00

Explore the world's largest collection of historic British cars! The British Motor Museum is home to the world’s largest collection of historic British Cars; it boasts over 400 cars which span the classic, vintage and veteran eras. Situated near the small village of Gaydon, Warwickshire, just off junction 12 of the M40. The Museum building is a spectacular piece of architecture with an art deco design, whilst the Collections Centre building is a modern contrast. Read more
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Popularity of British Motor Museum

British Motor Museum Social Media Popularity Score:
8.8 / 10
  This value is based on the number of visitors, checkins, and likes on Facebook in the last few months.
Most activity in April:
British Motor Museum has a total of 65569 visitors (checkins) and 34050 likes.
20 reviews of British Motor Museum. Average grade 4.9 av 5.